30 January 2010

Snow Much Fun...

Yesterday was the first big snowfall of the year. I was totally psyched about Sebastian being old enough now to really enjoy the snow. He was definitely in snow heaven today. I attached a robe to a tube and pulled Sebastian all over the yard in near knee-deep snow. I laughed so much at him trying to walk in the deep snow drifts all around the house. He would take a few steps and fall face first into the snow ahead. Sammy pranced around at our heels. I thought we had lost her a few times when she had fallen in our deep boot prints in some pretty deep drifts. I love seeing the piles of boots, scarves & gloves, coats & hats piled at the kitchen door waiting for another trip outside. We made some snow cream which Sebastian refused to eat -- so, of course, I had to eat his bowl ;)! Today was one of the funnest days ever. We hope everyone had as much as fun as we did today. Tomorrow we're gonna see if we'll be able to pack any snow enough to make a snowman (or woman)!

29 January 2010

Snow Bunnies Puppies

I don't know about Sammy, but Sebastian thoroughly enjoyed the snowfall today. He just couldn't wait until tomorrow to go make a snow angel. I came home early from work today and the first thing Sebastian wanted to know when I walked in the door was, could he go out and make snow angels!?! I said, "of course, but we can't stay out long" because it was still snowing like crazy and the wind is super fierce.

I think we spent more time getting dressed...thermals, clothes, pullover, coat, scarf, hats & gloves and boots - whew!

He loved crunching through the deep snow and walked around making paths everywhere. He wiped the snow off anything he could find and laid down in the middle of the drive and made a beautiful Sebastian Angel in the Snow! Hopefully tomorrow we can play more without the blizzard of snow around us.

25 January 2010

My Dearest Sebastian,

Today is Monday, January 25th. It's not a holiday, a birthday, or any specifically important day. It was just a normal day like most other Mondays around our house. You spent the day with Daddy today because 1) my schedule is different because of some work-related training this week and 2) Daddy's at home because there isn't much work around the shop right now. You requested this morning to "not go to school" and to "stay home with Daddy", so it was a change in pace for you today, too. I missed you so much today while I was at work, like I do everyday. I think that you & Daddy had a great day - toys were scattered around & you were eating dinner when I came home. You had lunch at Mamaw's house, which is always a wonderful treat. You & Daddy made a grocery run today & came home with mostly just snacks. It was a good day. When I walked in the door you ran to me and I scooped you up like I do most days at daycare and you said, "I missed you while you were at work, Mama!!" You say this every single day when I walk in the door, whether at home or at daycare, and I never ever get tired of hearing it. You are the greatest joy in my life and I hope that everyday is filled with good moments like these. You are already fast asleep in your bed now, hopefully having wonderful dreams. I am heading to bed as well, but before I kiss you goodnight & whisper I love you in your sleepy little ear, I wanted to write you a quick note about how happy that you make me - everyday. You are such a perfect, loving little boy and I am a super lucky Mama to have you in my life. Sometimes days seem to fly by without significant time spent doing the things that you love like reading books or building castles, but I hope that you never forget that I love you every single second of my day. Every.Single.Second. Every.Single.Breath. I love you! I love you! I love you!! Goodnight sleeping angel, I can't wait to see you in the morning!!

Love, Mama

22 January 2010

Puppy Love

Sammy has really adjusted to having a new family. She loves Sebastian and I love seeing how much fun they have together. She has really developed a personality, so we decided to give her a middle name. Sassafras really fits her perfectly. She loves chasing Sebastian around the house. I sometimes think Tigger would be a fitting name the way she bounces around the house. She has taken to potty training like a fish to water. She has had very few accidents since we brought her home. I am really thankful that David has been on top of her potty training and almost always is the one taking her outside. One thing that we have really had to adjust to is putting our shoes away. If you leave shoes around or leave the closet doors open, she will have them pulled out & chewed up in no time. She is a shoe-aholic! She also likes to steal blankets, pillows & stuffed animals right off of the bed. {Well, mostly just Sebastian's bed since she can reach it easily.} She has a little basket that we have been trying to get her to sleep in, but she loves the couch throw pillows best. She runs around like a puppy on crack after we bring her in from her outdoor playtime. I think one of her favorite things to do is to chase Sebastian around the yard or jump around under the trampoline when Sebastian is jumping. She hasn't really figured out what a leash is for and mostly just tries to chew on it when we go for walks. We don't get very far and you have to practically drag her along then pick her up and carry her. She's already spoiled rotten. She likes to take a bath, which is really good but she wants to chew her hairbrush when she is being brushed. She is very loving and is a great lapdog, which David just adores. I think she has bonded the best with him since he takes her outside and feeds her and she sees him the most during the day. I love how excited she is when we get home and Sebastian has been rushing to the door because "Sammy misses us"!! Her tail is always wagging like crazy, so I guess she is pretty happy with her new family & home. Sebastian doesn't still doesn't like it when she barks, but luckily she's not a big yipper. She's a pretty great little addition to our family. I think we'll keep her!

13 January 2010

Big Brother 'Bastian

No! We are not pregnant. We decided to join the rest of the pet world and get Sebastian a puppy. I have baby fever super bad and, well, my hubby DOES NOT. I told him that it was either a baby or puppy. He chose a puppy. My sister, Stephanie, recently got her kiddos a Miniature Schnauzer named Bella. We immediately fell in love her. Luckily she still had two sisters waiting for happy homes, so we quickly scooped one up.

I took Sebastian to the owners' home to pick out which puppy he wanted. Both puppies that were left looked identical except for the size. I think Sebastian made a good decision in the puppy that he picked. She was one of the biggest of the litter and very calm. The other pup was shaking like a leaf and scared to death. Our little girl nuzzled right up to us and kissed Sebastian on the nose. I think it was love at first sight! She sat/slept on Sebastian's lap the entire way home. Sebastian is pretty proud of his new little friend.

Daddy helped us decide on a name - Sammy! Sebastian loved it immediately because Sammy starts with an "S" like Sebastian. She is still checking out her new home and doing a lot of puppy sleeping. We are going to go this weekend and stock up on puppy pleasures. I am so excited about our new addition.

We gave Sammy a middle name - Sammy Sassafras - it is a pretty fitting name for her.

12 January 2010


2010 has definitely had it's ups & downs so far. Sebastian & I started out sick, which doesn't sound like the best way to start a new year. David hasn't been working very much because of the cold weather, so our already tight budgets have been s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d. My hard drive that MOST of my pics were on killed over ~ I don't want to even talk about how I am completely at fault I am, on multiple levels, for not having them backed up "correctly".

But the thing that puts all that other stuff into perspective...

I recently found out that a very close friend of mine, my sister's best friend since forever - practically our other sister, was diagnosed with a type of thyroid cancer. She is a super-strong woman, though, and I know that she is fighter. She survived the death of her father way-too-soon, she survived the birth of her 4-year-old triplets born born at 26-weeks and she WILL survive this. Keep her & her beautiful family in your prayers, please!

10 January 2010

Valentine's Project

I love working on projects with Sebastian. Whether it be painting or cleaning or learning; fun projects are a great way to bond and spend a cold, dull afternoon. I am always scouring the web for new, fun ideas. During one of my searches, I came across a fun activity for Sebastian's daycare. I really hope they try it. I know a bunch of parents who would be thrilled to get this from their little girls &/or guys.

Instructions / Details:
Either trace or have your child paint their hands & leave a print on construction paper. [I traced around Sebastian's hands with white paint.] Cut out both hands. Measure their hug - the length from hand-to-hand of their outstretched arms & cut yarn to that size. [We used streamers because 1) the first thing Sebastian did was wrap it around his neck and 2) we didn't have yarn & streamers were easy access!!] Attach both hands at each end of the yarn/ribbon/streamer. Write out the poem below & attach it to one of the hands...[I just wrote the poem on the back of one of his hands because it was easier.] A Valentine Hug to You! Wrap these hands around you whenever I'm away, so you can have a hug from me anytime of day! In our example the daycare provider mailed the hands to the parents to receive in time for Valentine's Day.
I attached a picture of our finished "hug". We did this project really fast before dinner, so it's just the bare minimum of what you could do. I think that we will try it again before Valentine's Day for Sebastian's grandparents and really get creative decorating -- maybe go crazy with some glitter haha!!

{Sebastian wasn't jiving with the traditional "Valentine" colors. He's going to be one ecstatic fella on St. Patrick's Day! Go GREEN! It's his f-w-aaaaaa-v-o-w-i-t color!}

06 January 2010

My Boy in Black Green







Can you guess his favorite color?

Locks of Love

My niece, Jayden, is 6-years-old. She is probably one of the prettiest, smartest & most compassionate kids that I have ever met. Her caring nature, her empathy for others, her "save-the-world" mentality are just a few of the wonderful things that I love about her personality. I can't brag enough about her and I'm sure that anyone who has ever met this child would do the same.

Jayden has been trying to grow her hair out long; long enough so that when she cuts it, she can donate it to Locks of Love. This has been her unyielding desire for well over a year now. Locks of Love is an amazing non-profit organization that provides hair prostheses to financially disadvantages children, under 21-years-old, that are suffering long-term medical hair loss due to any diagnosis. Hair must be 10" (minimum) from tip to tip in order to be donated.

She had been waiting for a long, long time in order to be able to donate. On Saturday, January 2nd, she was finally getting her hair cut and more importantly giving another little girl like herself a little bit of normalcy that she might not have otherwise.

These are some pics from her big day...

Mommy said she never wiped that smile from her beautiful little face. Way-to-go girly!! Aunt Bebe is super proud of you, Jadeybug. I know that you will change the world!

05 January 2010

Goodbye Nine, Hello Ten

I cannot believe ANOTHER year has passed by so quickly. Sebastian has turned into a little man right before my eyes. I'm afraid to blink for fear he'll be another year old. I'm still bewildered that I am the mom of a three-year-old. {gasp} To be completely honest, I am a little scared. He is such a wonderful child. I know everyone thinks that their children are wonderful, but he is such an amazing blessing. I'm not saying that he doesn't have typical toddler moments - tantrums, selective hearing, days on the naughty list at daycare - but we haven't really had "terrible two's". At least not the terrible two's that I had expected. Of course, you already know he is beautiful and brilliant {wink}, but he is a huge helper. I don't know a three-year-old who can pick up & sort laundry, much less actually do it. I am definitely loving every moment of that while it lasts. He also loves helping load the dishwasher & cooking dinner (hahaha I know, when I cook that is)!!

I thought Christmas was a huge disappointment this year. I was so sick & so miserable that I could barely get off the couch. Unfortunately, Sebastian was a tad bit sick too; however, his resilience is a whole lot better than mine. Much of the holiday was spent taking naps and hot baths and feeling sorry for myself (I know, boo for me)!! David did an excellent job of trying to make everything as perfect as I would have done it. He & Sebastian made cookies for Santa and read Twas the Night Before Christmas. He catered & comforted me the best he could and I am really lucky to have had him here. I didn't take a single photo of Christmas if that is any indication of how sick I was. I left the photos up to my very capable husband who took lots of pictures of Sebastian opening his presents. I was extremely happy that I have some pics to remember Christmas '09 even though I was a pitiful mess. And I didn't complain once about a single thing he did (differently than what I would have done) while I was out of commission. Minus the Christmas illness, I guess it turned out pretty good. Sebastian was thrilled with all the gifts, we had loads & loads of great food and I had the two loves of my life -- not too shabby.

We didn't do anything exciting on New Year's Eve. I had to work and was just beginning to get all my energy back. We're also trying to conserve money during the "not-so-busy" farming season. Sebastian & I fell asleep watching tv around 10:30pm. Party animals we are NOT haha! Sebastian didn't fully understand why we were celebrating or why we weren't getting any more Christmas presents from Santa. David told me he kissed us goodnight at midnight, but I didn't remember :( isn't that sad?

I have great excitement for twenty ten. I know it will be the greatest year yet. We started 2010 off with a trip to the movies for Sebastian's first theater movie "Alvin & the Chipmunks". I was a little worried about the sound. Sebastian has sat through tons of movies, so I knew that watching the movie was not going to be an issue; however, he has a dreadful fear of LOUD noises. He still cracks me up when he covers his ears in public restrooms - hilarious! Anyway, we talked a lot about what was going to happen and he did really well. He sat really still & quiet for a long time, but once he became completely comfortable with his surroundings, he was ready to dance in the aisle. We had lots of popcorn & soda - but don't tell the dentist!!

I guess that's about it on the updates. I have been behind on blogging and the older Sebastian gets, the less time I want to spend on things like Facebook & Blogger; however, I also realize that's an enormous gift to myself. I get so wrapped up in day-to-day living that I don't make time to put my memories down. This is an amazing way to not only keep friends & family updated on the happenings around our little spot in the world, but I love looking back at all the fun things we have done together and seeing all the little changes. Sebastian's childhood is flying by so much faster than I had ever anticipated. Hopefully, my new year's resolution will be to keep my blog up better -- for myself & my baby.

This blog is just an addition to the old one-- "Love Letters from Mommy". I think I may have been running out of space because I have never resized my photos before uploading -- I was getting near capacity, so no time like the NEW YEAR to start a NEW BLOG. I believe you can link back to this blog in the linkbar under my blog header. Don't be bashful about leaving comments because I LOVE to read them. Happy New Year blog buddies!!

About Me

My photo
I'm an about-to-be-thirty mom, wife, daughter, sister, aunt & friend. I married the man that I was crazy in love with in high school and we made the most incredibly perfect little boy in the entire world. I have a full-time job with the state & my husband works for a local farmer & family friend. I have a passion for photography and dark chocolate. I love taking Sebastian for walks or trips to the park. I never miss an episode of Y&R or Sons of Anarchy. I have 2 sisters, 2 nieces & 4 nephews. My mom & dad and my m-i-l are my biggest supporters. Sometimes life feels like a huge struggle, but I always remember why we're here & what's important in the grand scheme of things. I love my family & I love life.

Why I Blog

Why I Blog
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

About This Blog

I started this blog in late '07 to help document details of my baby's childhood - his transformation from infancy to toddlerhood. It's amazing how fast he has grown. My once-tiny-little-baby, is a bright, beautiful little man full of wonder & ideas. Everything from his imagination to his foot size is growing at faster-than-light speeds. I hope we can keep up...

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