25 January 2010

My Dearest Sebastian,

Today is Monday, January 25th. It's not a holiday, a birthday, or any specifically important day. It was just a normal day like most other Mondays around our house. You spent the day with Daddy today because 1) my schedule is different because of some work-related training this week and 2) Daddy's at home because there isn't much work around the shop right now. You requested this morning to "not go to school" and to "stay home with Daddy", so it was a change in pace for you today, too. I missed you so much today while I was at work, like I do everyday. I think that you & Daddy had a great day - toys were scattered around & you were eating dinner when I came home. You had lunch at Mamaw's house, which is always a wonderful treat. You & Daddy made a grocery run today & came home with mostly just snacks. It was a good day. When I walked in the door you ran to me and I scooped you up like I do most days at daycare and you said, "I missed you while you were at work, Mama!!" You say this every single day when I walk in the door, whether at home or at daycare, and I never ever get tired of hearing it. You are the greatest joy in my life and I hope that everyday is filled with good moments like these. You are already fast asleep in your bed now, hopefully having wonderful dreams. I am heading to bed as well, but before I kiss you goodnight & whisper I love you in your sleepy little ear, I wanted to write you a quick note about how happy that you make me - everyday. You are such a perfect, loving little boy and I am a super lucky Mama to have you in my life. Sometimes days seem to fly by without significant time spent doing the things that you love like reading books or building castles, but I hope that you never forget that I love you every single second of my day. Every.Single.Second. Every.Single.Breath. I love you! I love you! I love you!! Goodnight sleeping angel, I can't wait to see you in the morning!!

Love, Mama


About Me

My photo
I'm an about-to-be-thirty mom, wife, daughter, sister, aunt & friend. I married the man that I was crazy in love with in high school and we made the most incredibly perfect little boy in the entire world. I have a full-time job with the state & my husband works for a local farmer & family friend. I have a passion for photography and dark chocolate. I love taking Sebastian for walks or trips to the park. I never miss an episode of Y&R or Sons of Anarchy. I have 2 sisters, 2 nieces & 4 nephews. My mom & dad and my m-i-l are my biggest supporters. Sometimes life feels like a huge struggle, but I always remember why we're here & what's important in the grand scheme of things. I love my family & I love life.

Why I Blog

Why I Blog
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

About This Blog

I started this blog in late '07 to help document details of my baby's childhood - his transformation from infancy to toddlerhood. It's amazing how fast he has grown. My once-tiny-little-baby, is a bright, beautiful little man full of wonder & ideas. Everything from his imagination to his foot size is growing at faster-than-light speeds. I hope we can keep up...

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