08 February 2010

Weekend Review

We promised Sebastian some time ago that we would paint his bedroom green. He specifically wanted apple sucker green, which is his daily sucker of choice from daycare. My mom decided to try to match his sucker to some paint samples and surprisingly, the best color match was called "apple green"!! P-E-R-F-E-C-T! So we painted this weekend. Apple. Sucker. Green. I wasn't too sure about it at first, but I totally love it. He made a good choice. Maybe he can help pick out paint for my bedroom~
The day we painted, Super Bowl Sunday, I totally spaced and forgot that we had planned for Sebastian & all 6 of his cousins to make pizzas. Oops! So my house was in disarray from moving out all of his furniture & toys and we had a kitchen full of kiddos getting flour & pizza sauce everywhere. It actually worked out pretty well because it didn't take any time at all to paint his room.

After everyone went home & the messes were cleaned, Sebastian and I attempted to go to sleep. Unfortunately, he was up & down most of the night with terrible aches & pains in his calves. When I say terrible, that's what I mean -- waking up screaming that his legs were hurting, tears flowing. He seems to feel much better today. He's been coughing a slight bit & running a very low-grade fever off & on so I've been drowning him in liquids so he doesn't dehydrate. (I read that could be a cause of these Charley Horse-like leg cramps.) It was a good day to sleep in with him because my hands were aching something fierce last night after an afternoon of painting.

Well, I need to sign off for now as I have to go back to work tomorrow. It's still snowing up a storm here so hopefully we'll be able to play outside again a few more good times this year. Good night, sleep well!
Don't ya just love the mismatched frog/dino jammie ensemble??


About Me

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I'm an about-to-be-thirty mom, wife, daughter, sister, aunt & friend. I married the man that I was crazy in love with in high school and we made the most incredibly perfect little boy in the entire world. I have a full-time job with the state & my husband works for a local farmer & family friend. I have a passion for photography and dark chocolate. I love taking Sebastian for walks or trips to the park. I never miss an episode of Y&R or Sons of Anarchy. I have 2 sisters, 2 nieces & 4 nephews. My mom & dad and my m-i-l are my biggest supporters. Sometimes life feels like a huge struggle, but I always remember why we're here & what's important in the grand scheme of things. I love my family & I love life.

Why I Blog

Why I Blog
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

About This Blog

I started this blog in late '07 to help document details of my baby's childhood - his transformation from infancy to toddlerhood. It's amazing how fast he has grown. My once-tiny-little-baby, is a bright, beautiful little man full of wonder & ideas. Everything from his imagination to his foot size is growing at faster-than-light speeds. I hope we can keep up...

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